



与母校的联系将持续一生. 这就是为什么你会在MNU到处看到“生命先锋”这句话. We’re 在这里 to help you get more involved in the life and mission of the University—whether your next step is investing your time, 人才, 宝, 或联系.


校友 and families of MNU students are in the unique position to help prospective students learn about MNU. Help us 达到 out to prospective students and newly admitted students and their families along their admissions journey. 无论是让我们了解一个我们可能没有注意到的令人印象深刻的学生, 参加虚拟大学招聘会或招聘网络活动, 写一张鼓励的便条, or sharing your knowledge and passion about MNU with an interested student considering your line of work — all of it can be instrumental in a student’s decision to attend MNU.

时间的承诺: 每次活动1-2小时


作为我们近30,000名校友更广泛网络的代表. 校董会成员还在以下四个工作委员会之一任职:校友网络、归校委员会 & 聚会、交流和给予机会. The Council meets twice per year and each committee meets 5-6 times per year to advance the work of the 校友 Engagement team.

时间的承诺: 每次活动1-2小时


你最近写过一本书、有影响力的文章或专著吗? 我们想听听你的意见! 考虑分享你的写作之旅, 你写作的灵感, 还有你最近在我们校园社区发表的文章. 如果被选为演示者, you will work with the 校友 Engagement team and the Mabee Learning Commons staff on timing and logistics of your presentation to a blended campus and community audience.

时间的承诺: 1小时


You can help to build the MNU network by connecting students and alumni to careers and to one another for the purpose of career development. Those who participate as a 职业生涯的连接器 will provide necessary support toward these development activities and continue to further the strength of the MNU network. 例子包括在我们与年轻专业人士的咖啡对话中讲话, 指导在校学生或应届毕业生, 为在校学生提供工作见习体验, 为准备参加招聘会的大学毕业生做模拟面试官, 等.

You will work with 校友 Engagement staff to find an opportunity that fits your expertise and time commitment.

时间的承诺: 每学期1-2小时(大多数机会)


把你的专业知识带到MNU的课堂上. 校友参与小组和就业中心 & Workforce Development are working with faculty members across campus to bring learning to life through the experiences of our alumni. 与我们的学生分享你的职业生涯, 找到第一份理想工作需要做些什么, 如何管理你的公司或组织的高潮和低谷, 为什么导师很重要, 以及你在日常工作中找到目标的地方.

时间的承诺: 45 - 60分钟


你能把握你所在行业的脉搏吗? Are you willing to share your insights with university leaders to advance our mission and give us a competitive advantage in the marketplace? 如果是这样,那么在MNU委员会或顾问委员会任职可能适合你! 你的意见可以塑造我们课程的未来, 使我们能够进行战略转变, 和/或增强MNU的影响力, 达到, 和身材.

时间的承诺: 每季度1-2小时


每个月, 我们会给你发送一个故事提示,你只需要用一个简短的反思来回应, 一些建议, 或者一张照片(一张图片胜过千言万语), 毕竟). We will also have ongoing/anytime prompts in case you can’t think of a response to our monthly prompts. 既然你在帮助我们讲述我们的故事,我们将奖励你很棒的MNU礼品. 你回复的次数越多,商品就越好.

时间的承诺: 每月1小时


Help MNU connect with alums residing within a 50-mile radius of strategic cities in our alumni network. 校友中心 are designed to gather local alumni to support the university and each other in your 专业 and personal lives. Hub teams collaborate on local events and activities with the MNU 校友 Engagement Team to enrich the lives of alums currently residing in the Springfield, 威奇托, 和丹佛地区, 并计划很快扩展到其他地区.

时间的承诺: 每月1-2小时


参加同学聚会委员会,积极筹划下次同学聚会. MNU校友 Office works with alums like you to make your class reunions memorable for everyone involved. 我们提供了一系列有用的变焦电话,轻松指导您完成流程的每一步. 委员会最好由每班4-5人组成.


  • 保留房间
  • 多渠道推广
  • 年鉴展览
  • 姓名标签
  • 类图
  • 放大室(供不能亲自参加的人使用)
  • 活动计划模板
  • 脸谱网上的课程页面
  • 赃物包


时间的承诺: 每月1小时(二月至十月)


Help us spread the news about what’s happening on the MNU campus or throughout our alumni network. 社交大使在脸谱网上使用他们的个人社交网络, Instagram, 和/或领英来扩大大学的社交渠道,以创造更广泛的知名度, 传播意识, 培养更强烈的先驱者自豪感. 简而言之, 分享我们的帖子, 评论和点赞我们的帖子, 并以积极的方式与他人讨论与MNU相关的话题.

时间的承诺: 每月1小时


在MNU的校园里,周三是为体验式学习预留的. 教师 members work to give their students hands-on learning opportunities in their field (or a parallel field) of study. 作为《全球最大在线博彩平台》周三的主持人, you would provide students with a glimpse into your career and a real-world project they could work on individually or in groups. 作为主持人, 你会邀请老师和学生到你在堪萨斯城的工作场所, w在这里 they would learn more about your industry and possibly work on a project in a real-world environment.

时间的承诺: 2 - 3小时


MNU relies on the generosity of alumni and friends to provide our students with scholarship support, 招募并留住优秀的教授, 目前领先的教学技术, 并在课堂之外提供形成经验. 你们的支持影响着校园里的每一个人和每一件事.

但是考虑一下支持MNU对你有什么好处. 首先,慷慨地生活能让你活得更长寿、更健康. 它带给你快乐. 下一个, 它允许你去建造, 保护, 并为子孙后代的利益维持一些东西——其中许多人将永远不会见到. Your investment helps to build the Kingdom of God and impacts communities for Christ every time MNU unleashes its graduates on the world. 最后,你成为MNU使命的利益相关者,帮助我们为学生的梦想加油.


在MNU留下你的标记! 考虑为遗产圈买块砖, which is located at the center of the Campus Mall and is lined with hundreds of bricks featuring the names of alumni and long-time faculty and staff. Freshmen begin their MNU journey with a special ceremony at the Legacy Circle and culminate their experience prior to graduation at this same location. Walking along the brick path—engraved with the names of so many Pioneers who came before them—is a great reminder of the rich heritage these new graduates now enjoy.


校友中心由校友会设立, which annually explores the development of a Hub anyw在这里 in the United States w在这里 50 or more alumni reside within a 50-mile radius of each other.

中心的存在是为了提供解决社会问题的年度节目, 专业, and spiritual needs and interests of local alumni residing outside the Kansas City area and to advance the mission, 身材, 和大学的影响, 无论是通过祈祷, 招收新生, 专业技术, 和/或财政支持.

Hubs are governed by the 校友 Council and membership is available to those who are MNU alumni and reside within the 50-mile radius of an established hub. 他们有创建自己的管理结构的自主权, provided the structure is approved in advance by the Council and each leadership team member signs and acknowledges that they will abide by the documented guidelines established by the Council.


威奇托中心成立于2021年. 它为城市半径50英里内的668名校友(包括359名毕业生)提供服务. 与威奇托领导团队建立联系 在这里.


斯普林菲尔德中心成立于2021年. 它为城市半径50英里内的416名校友(包括186名毕业生)提供服务. 与春田市的领导团队保持联系 在这里.


丹佛中心成立于2023年. 它为城市半径50英里内的427名校友(包括251名毕业生)提供服务. 与丹佛领导团队建立联系 在这里.


One of the greatest benefits of being a Pioneer is our alumni network willing to hire our graduates or to help them find effective employment opportunities.


鼓励你的公司在校园招聘会上展出. 我们每学期都会举办招聘会. 联系 MNU职业办公室 & 劳动力发展了解更多.

加入我们不断增长的校友名单,指导MNU的大三或大四学生. 帮助学生了解他们为职业生涯做好准备所需要采取的步骤, 包括用正确的方式写简历, 准备面试, 并为他们提供在你的工作场所当影子的机会. 注册成为一名导师.

Work with our professors in strategic departments to participate in an evening of mock interviews with current students, 询问他们可能会从人力资源部门或所在行业遇到的问题. 报名参加模拟面试.

加入我们亲密的一小时, 晚上和年轻的专业人士喝咖啡时,问我任何问题. 分享一下你是如何获得现在的职位的,以及你是怎么做到的. 谈谈你获得这个职位所经历的一些起起落落. 回答校友聚会上可能提出的任何问题. 报名参加领导活动 咖啡的谈话.



MNU校友 & Friends 脸谱网 page is the best way to keep up with what’s happening on campus and around the world with our MNU alums.


我们的MNU校友网络庞大,经验丰富,并一直在寻找高素质的人才. 连接 with us, as well as your fellow alums, on LinkedIn for 专业 growth opportunities.


Instagram features photos of current events as well as throwback pictures to send you on a trip down memory lane.

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在这里,你会发现与MNU有关的所有事情的最新消息. 关注我们,了解最新动态, 校园新闻, 继续教育, 网络的机会, 和更多的.

